
Bitproperty ICO April 30, 2018 BITPROPERTY - The BitProperty ecosystem will fully cover the investment cycle of high-yield projects and future real estate assets will help you find funds for your first participant. The BitProperty ecosystem will be an ecosystem that fully encompasses commercial and residential real estate investment cycles in the early stages of construction through tokenization and digitization. It will help. Investors can invest more than $ 1,000, earn up to 150% annual profitability, and developers can find investment quickly and easily. Based on Blockchain and Smart Contracts, BitProperty will be a specific platform for the decentralized organization of real estate investments in the early stages of construction. The goal of this platform is to provide anyone with an opportunity to invest in commercial and residential real estate at all stages of the construction without geo referencing. The goal of the project is to make this proc

Bir Pletok Asli Jakarta

BIR PLETOK Minum Bir yang satu ini bukan bir yang bikin mabok, tapi Bir yang bikin badan sehat asli dari daerah Jakarta bahan bahan nya saja dari rempah rempah asli. nanti dilanjut lagi dah cara bikin nya